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  • rommelstaines

Chapter 1: Power Shifts to the Connected Customers

Updated: Dec 1, 2018

Chapter 1 : Power Shifts to the Connected Customers

Marketers need to embrace the shift to a more horizontal, inclusive, and social business landscape. The market is becoming more inclusive. Social media eliminate geographic and demographic barriers, enabling people to connect and communicate and companies to innovate through collaboration. Customers are becoming more horizontally oriented. They are becoming increasingly wary of marketing communications from brands and are relying instead on the f-factor (friends, families, fans, and followers). Finally, the customer buying process is becoming more social than it has been previously. Customers are paying more attention to their social circle in making decisions. They seek advice and reviews, both online and offline.

Chapter 1 Reflection Questions:

What are the trends in your respective industry that demonstrate the shifts toward a more horizontal, inclusive, and social business landscape? What are your plans to embrace these shifts in the marketplace?

Chapter 1 Reflection Answer:

Shift towards horizontal: Nissan has adopted horizontal changes on marketing approach to customers. In the US, Nissan uses Star Wars to help people understand semi-autonomous driving assists. Nissan began partnering with the Disney film franchise last year, when it used the "Rogue One" film to plug its Nissan Rogue SUV. That campaign drew 1.8 billion impressions, while helping fuel robust sales. Nissan sold 327,213 Rogues in the first 10 months of this year, up 24.5% from the same period last year.

Shift towards inclusive: Nissan has become more inclusive in its marketing approach to reach out to its customers. In the Philippines, Nissan is active in several social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tweeter.

Shift towards social business landscape: Nissan is continuously promoting its brand by closely engaging with people in automotive broadcast journalism. Nissan sponsor the trips of these group of journalist in Motor Shows around the world.

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