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  • rommelstaines

Chapter 6: Marketing Productivity Metrics

Updated: Dec 15, 2018

1) How can NISSAN adopt the new metrics of Purchase Action Ratio (PAR) and Brand Advocacy Ratio (BAR) to measure marketing productivity?


The rules of competition are changing! Customer experience is largely becoming a C-level strategic initiative for many companies in order to meet the changing expectations of customers and create new competitive advantage. Customers are becoming more and more informed and empowered through the use of digital technology, which is profoundly affecting their expectations and influencing their buying decision. People follow Nissan for one reason - they love our cars. Nissan is doing lot of wonderful things in fueling the passions of the community members with the relevant digital content marketing. This is extremely important for long-term relationships between brands and fans. Nissan focus the messaging around what your community wants to hear and stay true to that. Nissan believe that word-of-mouth has always been one of the most powerful marketing tools around. When employees and customers actively promote Nissan brand, the individuals in their social circles receive first-hand information from real people they know and trust. It creates a degree of authenticity that simply can't be achieved through other "hard sell" or paid marketing tactics. Nissan believe that brand advocacy can't be faked, forced or bought. As Nissan brand, the company have to give people a reason to spread the word; they need to have such a great experience that they can't help but tell their friends and family about Nissan. When Nissan employees feel invested in the product, they organically become an advocate of Nissan brand. Their enthusiasm for what they do, and who they do it with, begins to show up in casual conversations, on social media and in their interactions with clients.

2) How can NISSAN trigger favorable customer conversations in order to drive awareness without increasing the marketing budget significantly?


Customers are visiting dealers fewer times, thus reducing the opportunities for a vital touchpoint. Nissan gains looking to the digital world as the new place where customers make purchases and whole Nissan gains opportunities to learn about customers. Nissan is using information about customers’ individual needs, their desired timing, and the optimal touchpoints to send useful information to customers. Nissan’s marketing handle the full customer cycle, from gathering information about vehicles, to purchasing, to after-sales service. It’s not just about selling cars. It’s also about building long-term trust customers. Nissan gains an understanding of customer behavior, deep analytics, personalized content, and management of content across the company.

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