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  • rommelstaines

Chapter 5: The New Customer Path

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

1) How can NISSAN identify and leverage the most critical touch points in the customer path?


Nissan creative assets like website and primetime TV commercials are meant to build awareness and drive top-of-the-funnels leads. Nissan has become increasingly aggressive about keeping tabs on customers and prospects. It's one reason why more than two years ago Nissan invested in a CRM solution that logs and tracks both digital and contact center information. When a prospect requests a brochure on the website, for example, the activity is log automatically so Nissan can track what happens afterward. Or if a current Nissan owner visits the site and then calls in with an issue, the CRM system can alert the agent that the customer has requested a brochure on a new model—indicating that he's back in the market for a car. Nissan's CRM solution is a product of necessity: customer habits, like millennial car purchasing trends and website browsing behaviors, had transformed.

2) How can NISSAN improve brand favorability and optimize marketing efforts by valuating the three main sources of influence across the customer path?


Nissan started building a digital platform to serve as the foundation to support digital marketing. The key ideas behind the platform were “time to market” and “context” based around the idea of being able to instantaneously analyze customer journey data. Nissan’s goal was to create a digital platform that would enable employees to create compelling, personalized experiences based on real-time customer information. Additionally, the digital platform would enable marketers to identify where a customer was in his or her purchasing process and provide information to better inform and engage him or her on the journey.

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