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  • rommelstaines

Chapter 9: Content Marketing for Brand Curiosity

Updated: Dec 16, 2018


1. What is the content that you think will be valuable to your customers?


Nissan calls brand storytelling “kotozukuri,” or the story behind making things. Nissan usually highlight the stories behind new vehicles and concept cars.

2. How can the content tell a story about your brand?


Nissan creates something that resonates, something that pushes buttons of excitement and curiosity, something that educates subtly. Nissan identify its multimedia storytelling something that does not feel like a college lecture or state television. Nissan make sure that it would be a compelling story that can be watched to duration and shared.

3. How do you plan to execute your content-marketing strategy?


Nissan team doesn’t call itself marketers. Nissan certainly we work with both Marketing & Communications, with all aiming to boost share of voice and awareness. Nissan pays attention to “So what?” approach of traditional media with some of the bells and whistles of creative. The fact that production costs are declining due to less expensive technologies may emocratize even further who can, or will, do what. Nissan employed a Do-It-Yourself approach to distribution, and without question that limited audience and engagement. Nissan tried to become more sophisticated in the platforms it employ, tapping the expertise of our agency partners and our Digital Marketing team. Nissan continues to look for further expansion, and will consider all intelligence on how to achieve this with stories that elevate the brand. Embeds in traditional and on-line media are a good way to introduce “kotozukuri,” and hopefully if the content works, there will be a repeat visit.

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