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  • rommelstaines

Chapter 8: Human-Centric Marketing for Brand Attraction

Updated: Dec 16, 2018


1. What are the deepest anxieties and desires of your customers?


Customers want "quality products, best value and great customer service."

1. Customers want to feel important. Customers don't want to be just a way for you to make more money. They want to know that they matter to you, even if they're not buying from you today.

2. Customers want to be appreciated. Customers want feel that you believe it's a privilege to sell with them and that you're therefore ready to put their interests first.

3. Customers want to talk about themselves. In selling, it's always about the customer, never about you. Focus on the customer and the customer's firm; leave yourself in the background.

4. Customers want success and happiness. Selling is the process of making dreams come true. Customers want your hidden agenda to be helping them achieve their own goals.

5. Customers want you to truly listen. As a general rule, 75% of a customer conversation should consist of the customer talking and you listening. Really listening. Not just waiting to talk.

6. Customers want to be understood. Customers, like most people, sometimes struggle to communicate their challenges and opportunities. They want you to be patient, ask questions, and help clarify their thoughts.

7. Customers want to teach what they know. Customers feel proud of what they've learned when they can teach it to others. Think of yourself as a student, always curious to learn more.

2. Does your brand possess human qualities? What can you do to make it more human?


Nissan Intelligent Mobility is about Technology & Customer. The tagline, “TOGETHER WE RIDE”. Promoting a stronger link between humans and the car with more control, and mobility becomes more enjoyable. Nissan have redefine the whole new driving experience, moving through life with more excitement, confidence, and connection to the world around you. Nissan vehicles can park themselves, watch what’s happening around you, and step in to keep you out of trouble. Nissan cars can actually learn from one another and EVs that recharge as they drive along, no strings attached. Nissan “Activate ProPILOT” to let your car automatically follow the car ahead at a preset distance and keep you centered in your lane (even around a gentle curve). ProPILOT can even bring your car to a full stop based on the traffic flow, then take it back up to speed when traffic moves again.

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